About Integral Yoga and the works of Sri Aurobindo and Mother. About Karl Marx and Spiritual Communism. About the Laws of Harmony of the Universe, the Commandments of Christ and the Laws of Yama and Niyama. And about much more: interesting and unexpected!
Each person individually fits into the general harmony of evolution. At last the individual and the social no longer contradict each other, no longer come into conflict. Now they cannot develop successfully without the successful development of each other. This is exactly what Karl Marx talked...
1:18. «Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.» This verse contains the idea of the Immaculate Conception, which is a fantasy, a desire to see Christ born...
«The emergence of the Soviet State was a natural necessity at the peak of the spiritual wave. In 1872 Sri Aurobindo was born, and in 1878 the Mother (Mirra Alfassa) was born — the most powerful Divine Consciousness descended upon Earth. On this wave the formation of the USSR took place....
The aim of Integral Yoga is to restructure one’s entire life from moral laws to the laws of Harmony, which Christ spoke of in his commandments. On the basis of the new laws, the New Society or Kingdom of Heaven is formed. The laws of Harmony are: Truth, truthfulness...
It is impossible to understand a man without love, it is impossible to write without love! When I was young I read Karl Marx’s biography published by Institute of Marxism-Leninism and immidiately fell in love with this great man, I bought the Marx and Engels Collected Works and started to...
The most important thing is always the question of power! … Therefore, the most important circumstance is which forces in society hold the power that spreads itself, establishes the society’s policies, and economic relations. A.Novy. 📚 «Socialism and Communism». Part 1,...
I have made a discovery: Karl Marx is a Spiritual* man. That is why nobody understood him, and no one could comprehend the great meaning of his works. Karl Marx is Christ-like. … That’s what I’m writing about. So is his friend. Yes, it’s unexpected and extremely unusual, but...
At the end of 2003 an informal Integral Yoga Society appeared in Velikiy Novgorod. It was led by Anatoly Novy. After 3 — 4 years of regular classes a group of 12 — 15 people who are constantly engaged in Yoga practice grew and strengthened. As a result the fact of formation of the...
The criterion of man’s progressiveness is his spiritual progress, level of his consciousness, how near to the Divine he realy is. There are no other criteria and can not be. A.Novy. «Socialism and Communism». Part 1, p....